I’m backtracking a bit, because the prairies of Western Alberta and the grasslands of Montana and Wyoming, and even those of the western edge of South Dakota, have all blended into one big range the last few days. A gorgeous range. Oh, give me a home, where the buffalo roam. Where the deer and the antelope […]

Planning for Winter
There’s snow in the forecast for Grand Teton, so we’re leaving a day early, which suits us fine seeing as how the crowds have kept us from enjoying the park the way we’d hoped. Maybe if we were to stay through the snow the crowds would thin out, but then we’d have to endure the […]

*Not* Doing It All in the Tetons
The Tetons haven’t been a disappointment, but our experience hasn’t been what people talk about, for sure. No Bear Bell Pictures of Banjo and my morning walk are grand, yes. But we lost her bear bell at Yellowstone, and, mysteriously, not only does no one sell them around here, but all the shops say, “We […]

Doing It All in the Tetons
We had a super efficient travel day when we left Yellowstone! We pulled out of that quiet campground at the crack of dawn, drove through the park on it narrow and winding road (amazingly, towing the trailer), used the dump station and potable water at a campground in the park, and then drove straight to […]

Yellowstone Primer (plus a new tiny house)
If you’re like I was, completely ignorant of what’s special about Yellowstone, I’ll give you a layman’s quickie description. Long ago, a giant volcano left still-hot magma under the surface here. Pockets of heated gases and brine have formed right under the top layer of earth due to <insert geological stuff I don’t understand, plus […]

Geysers, Fumeroles, Mudpots, Oh My
Once again, the act of taking in all I can of Yellowstone in a day has left me slack-jawed and stupid. I started at 6:30 am when I walked Banjo, and then we hit the road at 7:30 to get to Old Faithful before the lunch crowds. It’s 4:00 pm now, and I don’t know […]

Yellowstone Firsts
I lived in the Northwest for three years, driving across the country back to the east coast for holidays the whole time, and somehow I’d never been to Yellowstone. So here we are! Tracy’s been a bazillion times when he lived in Bozeman, so he’s showing me around. Mammoth Terraces These chalky terraces are created […]

Other Critters at Blue Spring
It’s been warm here in central Florida during the day, and the manatees haven’t been in the spring hardly at all. The sign at the entrance to the park read, ”101 manatees” the first day we entered, but today it said, ”3.” There’s nothing for them to eat in the spring; they swim up it […]

Spend a Day with Me at Blue Spring
Hey, wanna explore with me today? Come on … Let’s Beat the Crowds to the Manatees Let’s get up and ride our bikes down to the spring early before the park opens. I hear that later in the mornings the manatees are in the river eating, but early they’re still keeping warm up in the […]

Blue Spring Manatees and Motorcycles
We made it out of our truck-breakdown-pit-stop RV park in Tampa, YAY! We had to cancel one set of reservations while a mechanic changed one of the fuel filters (again), but we made it just a day late to our next reservations at Blue Spring State Park, just a little inland from Daytona Beach. This […]