Tomorrow is my birthday (the weird 56, not old yet!). I’ll be spending it at doctors’ appointments near Houston, because it’s that time of year again for us. We try to shove as many annual checkups as possible into one week and then move on. That’s why three of my four birthdays on the road […]

Celebrating a Dangerous Man
When Tracy and I were dating, I noticed something small in his house that made a big impression. Okay, yeah, it’s just a cardboard coaster he’d taken from a brewery and tacked to his wall, but I still have it because it says this: Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their […]

Muscle Shoals, Alabama
We’re going to so many places so quickly that feeling like I need to report on those places is a drag right now. I don’t want to skip anything, though! I’ll try to spare myself by being brief and quoting someone else for this one. We’re still traveling south down the Natchez Trace Parkway, and we added […]

Exhibit A: An Hour in Arkansas
We’re camped at Lake Chicot State Park, in the southeast corner of Arkansas, right off the Mississippi River. I posted last about kayaking here among the Cypress trees, which was phenomenal. The campground itself is very quiet right now during off season, with only one RV in our loop, and that RV pulls out and […]

I Spent My Birthday on Tatooine
I didn’t know this until I’d been here a few days and was scrolling through the Death Valley info on the NPS app: several Star Wars scenes from two of its movies were filmed here. This was a national monument back then, not a national park and national wilderness like it is now, so it was legal […]

This Old World Keeps Spinning Round
That line’s from the Neil Young song, Comes a Time, that I’m trying to learn on the ukulele. The chorus goes: This old world keeps spinnin’ ’round. It’s a wonder, tall trees ain’t layin’ down. It’s Neil’s version of Turn, Turn, Turn, kind of. I can sing the chorus pretty well, but the first verse […]

Happy Birthday to a Dangerous Man
When I first met Tracy, he had a beer coaster thumbtacked to his closet wall. If you know him, you know that’s not like him. He hates doodads almost as much as he hates sayings. But it’s an important beer coaster, and he still has it. It says, All men dream: but not equally. Those […]

While We Wait
The country is opening state by state, which—terrible for the health of the people—in our little world is a mixed bag. Opening Consequences Lifting of restrictions is great for the owners of this campground: they’d just bought it in October and have been investing in fixing it since then, but with the influx of spring […]