For the first time in five years, I’m going to share our travel plans for spring/summer/fall only broadly here. No detailed map with circles and arrows, no list with dates. Here’s: 1) why not, 2) our plan in broad strokes, 3) my new blog structure for presenting our travels. Seems like a jumble, but stick […]

Encounters with Neighbors
Eons ago, Blogging Mentor Mark asked if I’d write a post about the odd people I’ve met on the road. Good idea, right? I started in on it all excited, thinking, this will be the best retrospective post ever! I called it, “Strangers Stranger Than than Usual Strangers.” That post has been sitting in my […]

Blue Fabric Tiny House
Yes, I know. I’m always I’m saying, “No more tiny houses! I’m done with them!” and then I turn around and post about yet another one. I finished the last tiny house in June; that was the one I gave to my friend Mary Margaret’s niece, but even before that one, I’d thrown out my […]

You Might Be a Full-timing Airstreamer If …
What a joy it’s been to get to know other full-timing Airstreamers whom we met at the International rally in October. Rachael and Leon run a Facebook group for us, and Tom and Amy inspire me with their activist writing every day. Here’s a fun post Tom left on that Facebook group that, now that […]

How to Take a Campground Shower in 10 Easy Steps
(Read Now to Receive 2 Bonus Prep Steps and 3 Special Opportunities!) Whether you find yourself in a long-neglected, government-run bathroom facility with more spider webs than towel hooks or in a fancy RV resort’s shower house with a bucket of gift flip flops, following these 10 easy steps will increase your chances for a […]

Surprises from Life on the Road
We’re coming up on five years, which, I know, doesn’t sound like much. But this has been five years of living in 200 square feet, of going to so many places (we’ve stayed in maybe 300 spots?), of navigating through weird situations and beautiful ones. Here’s a list of surprising stuff that you might get […]

Friends at the Heart of 2024
You might remember that, for our 2024 travel, we’d planned on this: We ended up doing this: We zigzagged up and down as we changed plans on the fly, mostly while I tried to figure out what the heck was going on with my health. I’ve been thinking about how to recap the year without […]

Blogging in Dark Times, Redux
I don’t know how to write here after that election. I tried, but I just deleted it all. So, I’m reposting something I wrote two years ago, because you know how history repeats itself. March 10, 2022 As I write this, I’m thinking about the war in Ukraine. Almost two years ago, I wrote about […]

GDTR Press Clippings
I’m partly joking here in that I don’t have real “ink,” as a friend calls it. (He is cited in the news, professionally and often.) If his is ink, mine is more like the smudge berries leave on your kitchen counter. Still, it’s my berry smudge! Airstream Club Magazine At the end of the recent […]

Ready to Rally, in Our Own Way
In just two days, we show up (knock on wood) at the International Airstream Rally in Sedalia, Missouri. We’ve never been to an Airstream anything, so we figured we’d go whole-hog with the big one this year. Truthfully, we planned this a year ago when we thought we’d be coming back from Newfoundland, but even […]