A Proper Update

I feel guilty that so many friends opened that last post looking for an update on my medical questions, only for me to say, “I don’t want to talk about it.” I really was overwhelmed with, shall we say, unproductive feelings. Even now as I try to draft a better response, I find myself rambling […]

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Alaska Trip Retrospective

After our summer-long trip to Alaska, we’re traveling south through British Columbia, Canada, and the climate, sunlight, ecosystems—really everything—is all changing rapidly.  No more alpine or subalpine terrain, and it’s kind of shocking.   I shouted out to Tracy when I saw a cow.  We both said, “Hey, look at this!” when we had to use the flashlight […]

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Down the Cassiar Highway

We’re heading south through far-western Canada along the Cassiar Highway, a relatively new road (1970s) that connects the Alaska Highway to British Columbia.  There are a few small First Nations villages on either side, and that’s it.   The Cassiar The highway runs through the Cassiar, the Coast, and the Skeena mountain ranges, in a southward river […]

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Alaska’s Toll

Yesterday, I posted a photo on Facebook of Banjo’s last morning in Alaska, and two friends texted right away, enthusiastic about our trip and curious about where we’re going next. A third friend texted along the lines of, “Alaska wore you out, didn’t it.” Ha! Yes. The enthusiasm of the first two friends is warranted, […]

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