For the first time in five years, I’m going to share our travel plans for spring/summer/fall only broadly here. No detailed map with circles and arrows, no list with dates. Here’s: 1) why not, 2) our plan in broad strokes, 3) my new blog structure for presenting our travels. Seems like a jumble, but stick […]
Tag: Brownsville

The Feel of India in the RGV
On a weekend morning when the wind isn’t up, Tracy hits the local university to bird. No one’s around because there’s no on-student housing, but don’t let that fool you. This Brownsville campus of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley is part of, according to Wikipedia, “the ninth-largest university in the state of Texas […]

For Us Winter Texans
I was reading about the first act at an outdoor music venue we go to sometimes down here in Brownsville, and the post said the artist would be on from 6-8 pm, “for you Winter Texans.” Aka, old people who like to go to bed early. I’m in! So, we stood in the chilly evening […]

The Nomad Witching Hour Is Upon Us
Sometimes when we’re staying somewhere for more than a few days (and when we’re lucky)—the weekend campers are gone, we’re done with our mystery trips to the local grocery store and laundromat—and we can explore and relax in peace. That’s the sweet spot. I’m thinking we’re in the sour spot about right now. Time wise, […]

Merry Christmas, from Warmth and Sunshine!
It’s Christmas Eve here in Brownsville, and I’d planned on going to the cocktail party at the RV park clubhouse this evening, but the holiday blues are upon me. It doesn’t help that I cleaned everyone out of pocket money during Card Bingo last night in a freak string of beginner’s luck and now don’t […]

Pre-Christmas in Brownsville, with Mangos and Beer
We spent the Saturday before Christmas in downtown Brownsville for a full immersion in all things that are weird here. It was fabulous. The Christmas Village in the park by the zoo was deserted in the broad daylight, just the way we like it. The food trucks were closed up, and the lights were all […]

On Hearing the Palm Fronds Rustle
I ride my bike to the RV park’s fitness room each morning, and then I park it against the trunk of a palm tree. To get it situated just right so it won’t blow over in the wind while I’m in the gym, I have to duck under the fronds. Palm fronds rubbing together in […]

Still Catching Our Collective Breath
I haven’t been my usual chatterbox self here on the blog because there hasn’t been much to report. Except! For big news! (Oh how easily I forget.) My knee is finally better! I found a chiropractor willing to do a modified set of jerks; he was more conservative than the guy in Wisconsin about the […]

Rest, Hydrate, Recoup, Repeat
We’ve never needed a long stay as bad as when we dragged ourselves into our winter spot, in the dark, last Friday night. This is our third winter in Brownsville, the very southern Tip o’ Texas, and our second in this RV resort, Jetstream Tropical Trails. It’s a new campground plopped on top of former […]

Banjo Has More Than Enough Character
As we prep to leave Brownsville, I realize Banjo’s been largely absent here, so you might be wondering how she’s fared during this super-busy winter stay. Rolling with Routine The deal with Banjo is that, lacking a stable territory, she gloms onto routine. I mean, I know almost all dogs appreciate meals and walks at […]