This is the tiny beach town on the edge of Tate’s Hell State Forest, and we played sight-seers on our final day there. World’s Smallest Police Station When Carrabelle was founded, the police force (two guys) had a telephone, but it wasn’t in their building, and it kept getting used by the public for non-official […]
Tag: Tate’s Hell

Election Distraction
I was going to call this post “A Cold Day in Hell” because it has been cold here! (Plus that’s funny, thanks Tracy.) But with the election happening this week I thought that sounds too alarmist, and we have enough alarms going off in the news. So: What’s been going down in Tate’s Hell these […]

This Old World Keeps Spinning Round
That line’s from the Neil Young song, Comes a Time, that I’m trying to learn on the ukulele. The chorus goes: This old world keeps spinnin’ ’round. It’s a wonder, tall trees ain’t layin’ down. It’s Neil’s version of Turn, Turn, Turn, kind of. I can sing the chorus pretty well, but the first verse […]

Tate’s Hell
It’s is actually a large state forest, 200,000 acres—although much of what we’ve seen is pine plantations, which doesn’t feel very forest-like to me because the trees are in rows. Still, the sense of isolation is strong here because Tate’s Hell is in the middle of the Apalachicola National Forest, which puts us smack dab […]