This is my tiniest house yet, at who knows what scale, but tiny. I made it inside a tin that’s supposed to be a TV set.
As you can see, it’s either a well-appointed jail cell or a dorm room, with a bed, a desk, and a bureau. One string of fairy lights had to be twisted to be small enough to run along the ceiling and create that florescent tube.

Of course no Tiny House is complete for me without a ukulele.

The tiny shirts were almost impossible to put together without glue everywhere. Each is hanging on a wire coat hanger, though.

The desk has a boombox, but also what’s labeled as a lunch box. What, do you snap that onto the back of your bike? Among all that glue, there’s an ink well, a tall container with something blue and fluffy in it, and that desk lamp.

The folding chair was a real puzzle because the padded leather seats are what keep the wire frame together, but only if you hold it while it’s drying with at least eight fingers. The fan looks cool though, again if you can ignore the glue.

This bureau should have pleated curtains with a pretty design, but teeny pleats are very hard to make! I did get that clipboard with several newspaper pages clipped on.

And this leather bag is a coup!

The batteries are tiny watch batteries hidden behind the console (which I made by cutting itty strips of aluminum foil and gluing them on itty buttons).
It’s an odd Tiny House, for sure. I recognize Elvis on the wall, but that’s about it. And why doesn’t the front of the tin fit on in the same orientation (with the knobs up top) as the wooden frame inside?

Well, it was super fun to work with despite the constant glue problems. I took creative liberty in making the room neater than the directions call for (the posters on the walls were cockeyed and the clothes were strewn across the bed). And seriously, look at that fan. Very cool. It might be messy and crowded, but you know what happens:
The warden threw a party in the county jail,
The prison band was there, and they began to wail.
The band was jumpin’, and the joint began to swing,
You should’ve heard them knocked out jailbirds sing.
It’s so cute! I was pretty sure those were Kpop posters, including “Elvis” but when I checked with Hazel she said she thought they were Chinese musicians.
Thank you, Hazel! Either one, I’m glad it’s not random clip art. And I gave this to Dabs!
It is super cute my question is how many finger burns did you receive and what type of glue gun do you use?