Y’all know we’ve had the pleasure of meeting up with Doug and Melanie along this trip to and in Alaska. We’ve hung out with them at several stops, and we’ve heard their stories from when they’ve traveled to more remote places thanks to their all-terrain trailer and hitch.
Doug’s written several blog posts about this leg so far, and they’re filled with more accurate descriptions of places I skimmed over, plus gorgeous, full-screen photos of birds, vistas, bears, you name it, including some of us.
Below are sample photos from each post plus links directly to the posts on Doug’s blog. If you’re interested but don’t have much time, I recommend you at least click on a link and skim through the photos, because they are astoundingly beautiful. On Doug’s blog, when you click on a photo, it opens full-screen.

Doug’s post on the Campbell Highway and South Canol Road
(I have struggled to get this and the following links to work, but I believe they all now go to the corresponding posts on Doug’s blog.)

Doug’s post on Muncho Lake

Doug’s post on the Arctic Circle


Doug’s post about trying to leave the Arctic