We finally made it to camp right on the beach! Man, have we spoiled ourselves with previous years doing this, though, because this beach location kinda sucks. Okay, it doesn’t truly suck. No beach does, right? And here all the elements are in place: the trailer is parked on the sand with not a thing […]
Tag: Knee

Feeling the Strain of Scheduling in Pisgah
An unusually smart and energetic Weimaraner named Pisgah was my neighbor when I lived in Atlanta. Among many tricks, he would do that one where you make the dog wait with a bone on their nose until you say Go, and then they flip it up and catch it and chow down. Pisgah had much […]

How This Leg Is Different
Man, I did not mean to make such a bad joke. I was thinking about this first leg of driving to get to the Airstream factory in Ohio, but seeing as how my actual leg has a tendon in it now that it didn’t start out with, that’s different, too. Some people (aka Tracy) are […]

Saying Goodbye to Brownsville
As we prep to leave, I’m realizing that I feel reluctant to say goodbye. It’s true that our whole stay has been dominated by medical appointments, many due to mistakes made by the amazingly incompetent and uncaring medical community here that forced me into repeat appointments and tests. So, yeah, this winter has been a […]

The Nomad Fitness Struggle
I’m sitting here writing a blog entry on the sofa instead of doing a workout, which speaks to a universal problem with fitness, right? Laziness. I think that’s why routine really gets me into working out, and it’s why it’s so hard to maintain a fitness schedule on the road. Routine is a total bitch. […]

The Surprise of Right Angles
I’m typing this in Finn’s vacation condo on South Padre Island. If you need to catch up here: My son Finn rented a couple of condos back to back for his big break from school, both on the island near where I’m spending the winter in Brownsville, Texas. The first one had only one bedroom, […]

It’s Always Happy Hour Somewhere
Tracy and I used to celebrate the first bit of time off work at whatever bar within walking distance had a special going on that day. Once we hit the road, Happy Hour expanded. First thing we do when we set up camp is find the camp chairs, put together a small snack, and face […]

Quickie Health Update
I just now realized that my weekly email goes out in five minutes, and my previous health update is long and rambling and circuitous. Maybe not a great idea to write a blog post right after surgery! Here’s a faster read. Surgery went well, 8-hr trip back to the trailer in Brownsville was bearable, recovery […]

The Long Road to Surgery
That photo up top is not meant to be deceptive, but the truth is I can’t get in the hot tub anymore. The heat increases my knee’s swelling (duh) and makes me miserable! So, think of that photo as a eulogy to the Tropical Trails RV Resort hot tub. Yes, poor, poor me, unable to […]

Contentment Feels Like Bliss
In the middle of a bunch of craziness, I had one of those unusual moments of awareness. It was in the morning, and I was sitting beside my son on the sofa in the trailer. We were both worn out after having gotten in from the airport at 3 a.m. We were both wearing the […]