Tiny House Kitchen

So, the Pink Sofa Tiny House turns out to have a green velvet sofa as part of the kitchen.  Very strange.  

The cooking section of the kitchen is cool though.  Those milk cartoons were a pain to fold, but I like how they look. I got the faucet right, too. You can’t tell from the angle, but that sink is inset.

The stove area hides the music box; for some reason every tiny house has a music box.  Finn tells me all the music is from an old anime.  

I love the lemon slices in the tea; I made them by taking a razor blade to a rubbery yellow tube like an eraser that turns out to have lemon wedges inside. 

The sofa though: what the heck?  It’s right next to the kitchen, so you’d be temped to hand the food over it to place on the table.  Did I mention it’s velvet?  And the green clashes with the cabinets.  Someone pays a cleaning company a lot after dinner parties here.

At least it’s under the ceiling, whereas the table and hard chairs are out on the uncovered porch.  Apparently it never rains at the Pink Sofa Tiny House. 

But you can relax and swing on the delicate porch swing.  This baby was very hard to make (the chains were almost impossible to even-up right so the swing would hang level), but it’s good to go now and swings whenever I take the house out of its storage box.

Let’s see how it handles going down the road.

For a review of my previous tiny houses  :

Impossible Tiny House:

First Tiny House (at the end of this post):

And it looked like this:

Huh. I know I’ve built at least two other tiny houses, but I can’t find the posts. Upcoming!

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