As of January 2, 2022, I will have been maintaining this blog for two years. Over that time, we’ve camped at 111 locations, and I’ve written 352 posts in total. Dude.

Here we go with the most clicked-on posts from Going Down the Road from 2021. (Note that these are not all my favorites, but they are yours!)
What I Excluded
My raw stats of my most popular posts include a bunch of posts from this location (Imperial Dam LTVA), and I left them out of the ranking because I feel like no one needs reminding of those—I just wrote them! If you want to see them, most should be on my homepage (December 2021).
The most popular posts by far are from the Florida Keys and Montana; I dropped a few from these locations because, otherwise, that’s nearly all you’d see in this list.
Also very popular are posts that feature friends. FRIENDS ARE THE BEST, it’s true. But I have a feeling they pass those posts on to their friends and family to read, and that inflates their rankings. (I included the four most popular at the end of this post anyway because I love them.)
Top 10 Posts of 2021
#1: No matter how I skew the stats, this post comes out on top every time. Susan, thanks for asking me to write it!
#2: Here’s where I go all dark and Dylanesque on Las Vegas. ⬇️
#3: This post from way up on Lake Koocanusa got the most hits of all the Montana ones (I loved that campsite, too). ⬇️
#4: Tracy spent his birthday figuring out where to park the trailer in the mountains outside of Missoula. We had to do all kinds of tricky maneuvering that day. Poor guy.
#5: The title says it all. Spoiler: we got back on the road eventually.
#6: I finally caught up with Finn for his graduation! This is an unremarkable post otherwise, but it does capture your typical family-owned, private campground on the East Coast.
#7: Death Valley, Star Wars, and eating at an actual restaurant for my birthday. That’s a fav.
#8: Competition in the trailer. AKA: How being irrational helps me win at cards.
#9: The day we biked across Key West and silly me was disappointed.
#10: Near Red Lodge, Montana, where Tracy got us into our tricky camping spot where we saw a moose one night. First, though, he had to perch on the ladder on the mountainside to clean the solar panels!
2021 with Friends
Popular posts about friends include Sherri and Mooch, of course! Plus I had fun stretching the truth a little for this state park generalization.
Here’s a hugely popular one about our reunion with Maryland friends and the magazine crew (and a generous overlap of the two groups):
More 2021 favorites were our visit with the Piochickskis in Atlanta, and when the Mortons visited us in the Everglades.
Of course, we also loved seeing all of you not listed here—we’re so lucky to have seen so many friends and family in 2021. My biggest wish is to see you again next year. As for this blog …
Hi Shelly, and a Happy New Year!
I do follow now and then. It depends, it’s a sense sort of.
Hugs and stay safe,
I’m glad we keep in touch, dear Li!