xyHt What?

xyHt is the name of the magazine I helped produce for a hunk of my life. If you’re curious, hang on to your hat. (Otherwise skip this next paragraph.) The magazine is for a variety of professionals who locate and/or measure most everything: from exact spots on the ground, to big sections of land or […]

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Calm and Quiet

I’m still here at Savage River State Forest, sitting in a camp chair overlooking the rushing creek at the back of our site. I’m watching a water thrush hop from one moss-covered rock to another. He has a long, fluffy, white insect in his beak. I feel too lazy to pick up the binoculars to […]

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Five Days in the Hollow

We’re in Savage River State Forest, which isn’t really a hollow (“holler” for you non-Southerners). It’s a deeply wooded, steep valley that feels like a hollow, but it’s actually up in the Allegheny Mountains of Maryland, near Sleepy Creek.  I started calling it a hollow as soon as we got here, when I broke out […]

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