Our One-year Nomadiversary!

As of today, March 20, 2021, we’ve been on the road a full year.

I could blather on and on about what I’ve learned (a damn lot), how I feel about it (all in all, fantastic), and I could get sentimental. Don’t I do that enough here, though?

Instead I’ve created a calendar, one photo plus caption per month, and I tried not to use the photos on my homepage slider. I had to skip over many beautiful locations and memories, plus so many friends whose visits have grounded me this year, but otherwise this represents our first year of journeying. (Each photo links to the corresponding post, in case you want to join me down memory lane.)

March 2020

Our first stop turned into Quarantine Campground in Louisa, Virginia, the site of Banjo and my morning walks to watch a beaver.


Quarantine Campground still: the month we discovered how entertaining campground dumpsters can be.


We finally hit the road and, ironically, learned how much we love isolation. The song, “I’d rather be in some dark hollow” took on new meaning.


Our trip to the midwest marked the beginning of socially distant visits with old friends, which has kept me going, socially, this entire year. Banjo, too.



Best campsite yet: in Wisconsin off Lake Superior. Water and sunshine all around.


We drove straight down the center of the country, from Minnesota to Texas, booking it toward all our residency appointments.



My birthday month, celebrated with a couple of outdoor brewery spots along the coast.


Our first Christmas, spent at beloved Imperial Bonita Estates with the Retiree Olympiad.


The Keys. Need I say more?


The Everglades. Ditto.

March 2021

We end our first year and begin the next with a tour of beautiful Florida state parks, moving north to where we started.

Thanks for sharing this past year with us. Your comments have made me feel much less isolated socially as I’ve journaled my way through this huge life transition and adventure. And please let me know if you’d like to see/read more or less of anything in particular as I begin year two!

5 thoughts to “Our One-year Nomadiversary!”
